
LesMigraS Berlin

Antigewalt-, Anti­dis­kri­mi­nie­rungs- und Empowerment-Bereich der Lesben­beratung Berlin e.V.

Was wir anbieten



Wir bieten Beratung für Lesben, bisexuelle Frauen, trans*, inter*, nicht-binäre und queere Menschen an.


Diskriminierung melden

Hier kannst du die erlebte Gewalt online und anonym melden

LSBT*I*Q+ Geflüchtete

Flucht & Asyl

Wir organisieren Empowerment-Projekte und bieten kostenlose und spezialisierte Beratungsdienste an. 


Join us for our Community Potluck and come together to recharge, exchange & connect or allow for moments of Collective Rest Resistances and ReImaginings 

🌻🌞Feel free to bring your favorite soul food, juices or snacks to share or simply join us for delicious vegan Nigerian soulfood from @berlinnaijafoodie.

Find your inner creativity at our collaborative art station! Whether you're a seasoned artist or just want to try something new, this space is for everyone to collectively express themselves and contribute to a shared artistic journey. This space will be open throughout the day.

Join us for our Community Potluck and come together to recharge, exchange & connect or allow for moments of Collective Rest Resistances and ReImaginings

🌻🌞Feel free to bring your favorite soul food, juices or snacks to share or simply join us for delicious vegan Nigerian soulfood from @berlinnaijafoodie.

Find your inner creativity at our collaborative art station! Whether you`re a seasoned artist or just want to try something new, this space is for everyone to collectively express themselves and contribute to a shared artistic journey. This space will be open throughout the day.


Eine QTIBIPOC Portraitreihe

LesMigraS wird gefördert von

Senatsverwaltung für Justiz, Verbraucherschutz und Antidiskriminierung
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