Kulmer Str. 20a
Hinterhof – 4. Etage
10783 Berlin
Telefon: 030 – 21 91 50 90
Fax: 030 – 21 91 70 09
Contact form
*Mandatory field and note on data protection:
We need your data such as your name and your e-mail address in order to address you correctly and to contact you. Your data will be stored and processed for the purpose of processing. Of course, these will be treated confidentially and will not be passed on to third parties.
You agree that we may use the information to contact you. You will find further information in our privacy policy (in German).
Opening Hours
Monday 11am – 2pm
Tuesday 2pm – 5pm
Wednesday 10am – 1pm + 2pm – 5pm
Thursday 3pm – 6pm
Report Discrimination Online
You can call our hotline if you have experienced violence or discrimination. We will address any questions or concerns that you may have.
Hotline for violence and discrimination:
Have you experienced an assault on the street?
Have you been discriminated against or disadvantaged?
Have you been insulted or threatened?
Have you experienced discrimination by the authorities, police or judiciary?
Do you experience bullying or stalking?
Have you been denied a job or a flat because of your identity, name or appearance?
Have you experienced sexual harassment?
Have you been treated unequally when searching for a flat or trying to join a sports team?
Were you unwantedly outed at school, work or a similar setting?
Have you experienced violence in your family or circle of friends after coming out?
We are here to support you – Our services are free and confidential and we are on your side.
Call us!
Our hotline: 030 – 21 91 50 90
How to find us
Our rooms are wheelchair accessible and we have a lift (135 cm/90 cm). We do not yet have a guidance system for people who are visually impaired.
With notice we can arrange to pick you up at the nearest bus or train station. Feel free to contact us if you need further assistance.

By S-Bahn
S 1 to S-Bahn station Yorckstraße (Großgörschenstraße) – barrier-free
S 2 or S 25 to the S-Bahn station Yorckstraße – not barrier-free

By U-Bahn
U 7 to U-Bahn station Kleistpark – barrier-free
U 7 to U-Bahn station Yorckstraße – barrier-free