About Us
Who are we?
Lesbian Counselling Center has been around since 1981 and LesMigraS was officially founded in 1999.
Our organisation has evolved since its inception and our staff and clients are no longer only white, cis, lesbians.
We are now a service by and for many different kinds of people. Our staff and clients include Trans* and cis women, trans* men, all genderqueer, non-binary, trans* and inter* people who can be Lesbian, Bisexual, Pansexual, Asexual, Queer and various other identities. They are also Black, Indigenous, Persons of Colour, Migrants, Refugees or White.
We have different projects in Lesbian Counselling Center and some of them are also open to all genders.
We believe that a appearance, voice, other external features or a name does not determine a person’s gender or pronouns.
Some members of our staff use no pronouns or non-binary pronouns and we ask that you respect their wishes and use their correct pronouns when addressing them.
If you would like to learn more about our organisation or feel you could benefit from one of our services please feel free to stop by for a visit during our office hours.
Brief history
- 20th anniversary of LesMigraS and Gladt
- Refraction – #ReThinkSolidarity #ReDefineSpaces
Launch of the Queer Refugee Support project
Study on the experiences of violence and multiple discrimination of lesbian/bisexual women and trans* individuals.
Start of the project “Tapesh – With Heart and Vision against Violence and Discrimination” project
EU project “Combating Multiple Discrimination of Lesbian Migrant Women and Black Lesbians”
EU project “Violence against lesbians”
Foundation of the working area LesMigraS: first “Lesbian Migrant Women and combating multiple discrimination”, then “Lesbian and bisexual migrants and bisexual migrants, black lesbians and trans*”, today “Anti-discrimination and anti-violence section of the Lesbian Counselling Center”
Start of anti-violence work as a separate focus of work
Who are we for?
Our organisation is by and for Trans* and Cis Women, Trans* and Cis Men, all Genderqueer, Non-Binary, Trans* and Inter* people who are Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Pansexual, Asexual, Queer People. People from all backgrounds are welcome, including also Black, Indigenous, Persons of Color, migrant, refugee or white.
We are here for you,
… if you have experienced discrimination.
… if you need support with questions about asylum.
… if you are looking for events that empower you.
… if you want counselling after you have experienced violence.
… if you are looking for support because you want to give support to other people.
… if you want to read and learn more about Queer issues.
… if you need support with your coming out.
If you have any questions about Counselling for a topic we did not mention please feel free to call us or stop by during our office hours.
How we work
We work intersectionally
We put multiple discrimination at the centre of our work. Queers and Trans* persons of colour and Black people are a focus of our work because we understand that racism, trans* discrimination and homophobia as inextricably intertwined. That is why we always act anti-racist AND queerfeminist.
We work in a partisan way
We focus on the needs of the person who has experienced violence. The person has a right to come to terms with what they have experienced. They know best what they need and we support them in deciding which approach is best for them. We see it as a joint task to support the person in this.
We work in an empowering way
We empower Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Trans*, Inter*, Non-Binary, queer and asexual people to share their experiences, develop strategies for action and support each other. For us, multiple discrimination is at the centre of this. We offer spaces for exchange, inspiring materials and are present in different places.
We work multidimensionally
Interpersonal, structural and statal forms of violence and discrimination influence each other and need to be addressed together.
Lesbians, bisexual women, trans*, inter*, non-binary and queer people experience multiple forms of violence/discrimination of emotional, psychological, physical and structural nature. They can be perpetrated by other people or by the state.
In our work we address the dimensions of violence.
We work in a discrimination-sensitive way
We assume that there are no spaces without discrimination. It is important for us to deal critically with relations of discrimination ourselves, especially from a position of privilege. We want to practise encouraging each other to learn and to be open to criticism. In doing so, we focus on the experiences and knowledge of marginalised people and encourage them to leave their own comfort zones.
We are open to feedback and complaints and handle them confidentially.
We work community-based
We are part of queer communities and work to ensure that people to feel comfortable and safe in queer communities.
We ask how interpersonal violence can be dealt with within communities and how people who commit violence can be held accountable by others. We support those affected by violence and support people who have committed violence in finding support. We want to raise awareness of violence and discrimination within Queer communities and support them in building loving and responsible coexistence.
We work transformatively
We want social change and believe that it is possible. We think that social conditions and collective structures that perpetuate and promote violence/discrimination must and can be fundamentally changed.
In our Empowerment project, we work around the structural barriers and state violence that LGBT*I*Q+ people face. We adress racism, sexism, trans* and inter*discrimination, homo-discrimination, classism, ableism and other discriminations and their intersections.
We work on creating tools and strategies in which people within and around the LGBT*I*Q+ communities can use to empower themselves and others.
This program aims at building a collective agency together with marginalised groups in the LGBT*I*Q+ Communities. Another aim is redistributing knowledge within these communities.
We realise that there are many different ways of dealing with violence and discrimination. For this, we offer a vast range of resources for individuals to connect with. Through this program we offer spaces for creative and practical exchange and dialogue. This is important for us so that participants not only share different experiences but find daily tools to help them. [CS1]
We also look into areas of self and community care. We offer spaces that are also about coming together and connecting and having fun.
Some events are offered in multiple languages or interpreters. All events are free.
Our Empowerment area stretches through the different events and workshops we offer, through our information tables and an active presence at political, art and cultural and sporting events, parties and in clubs or through online, social media and print material.
We are always open to hear your wishes for future programs and look forward to sharing this space with you.